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# Cherish Yesterday #
# Dream About Tomorrow #
# Live In Today #

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Wesak day's draw...

this is the draw that i drew on Wesak Day....
used about 5 hours to draw...
i drew it during our Wesak day's exhibition at 滨海佛学会.....
sat there for the 5 hours din't leave the sit also...
suddenly feel proud of myself...
because of this can make me sat there for about 5 hours...
that i couldn't do it before...
and when i am drawing...
i knew two person...
which were from others state...
one of them was from Melaka...
and another one was from Perak...
when think of the one that came from Perak i also felt funny...
He ask me did i knew how to draw Chinese brush painting...
then they looked at me...
on how i drew...
then he ask his friend...
another one from Melaka to sit infront of me let me draw...
that's why i can knew them because when i turned to them i laugh at them...
quite a funny memory for me...
that i din't experience it before for such exhibition...

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